Integral to all of the services Age Concern Wairarapa offers, is our commitment to supporting our seniors; it is part and parcel of how we work, especially for our Elder Abuse Team. You might find yourself needing some extra support to do things that are difficult to do alone, especially in situations where you may need to challenge another person, a service provider, or even a family member. Others around you may even start deciding what should happen in your best interests. These people may be family members or others involved in your care. It’s tough to make a stand or to disagree, especially if they are only trying to help, although sometimes much more challenging, even frightening when those close to you get angry and threatening in their behaviour towards you.
Our Elder Abuse Team can help point you in the right direction, to assist you to identify those who can help you. They can assist with problem solving, information, accessing services, and help facilitate the sometimes-difficult conversations regarding an older person’s quality of life.
Our team is available as a support in meetings and in consultations, as well as provide general information on relevant agencies and community support services such as the Health and Disability Advocacy Service. We all have the right to make choices in life, we are also entitled to be fully informed and to understand what our options are – their pros and cons. Good information is essential for good decisions.
Please get in touch if you, or if you are concerned about someone you know, needs support and assistance in knowing where to get help. Having the support of someone who is on your side can make all the difference. Our staff are not here to judge or tell you what you should do. They are here to listen to your wishes and ensure that others do the same.
Auld folks are twice bairns | Remember to care for older people